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Let’s talk about The Big C

Once upon a time, Cervical Cancer was the leading cost of death for women in the United States. Fortunately, in recent years cervical cancer cases and the deaths resulting from it, have dropped significantly.

In addition to advancements in modern medicine, routine Pap smears provide the ability to detect signs of cervical cancer.

So how does it form? 

Cervical cancer develops when cancer begins in the cervix. In case you need a recap in the female anatomy, the cervix is what connects your vagina to the upper part of your uterus. The uterus is where babies grow when women become pregnant.

Unfortunately, all women are at risk for cervical cancer, especially those over age 30. The most common cause of cervical cancer is human papillomavirus which is also known as HPV. Often times, HPV is passed during sexual intercourse. While the CDC reports that at least half of sexually active people will have HPV, a few women will get cervical cancer as a result.

Here’s how you can reduce your risk of developing cervical cancer:

Speak to your provider today at Southwest Family Medicine Associates for your pap smear, and HPV vaccine.

Take advantage of the testing we have so you can live a long, full life.

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